Friday, February 27, 2009


12cm x 15cm.
From my favourite artist,Trevor Waugh.

Just today I remembered something that happened last year, at the Al Ain music school charity concert.
Almost all kids participated for it. A 7 year-old girl's performance impressed all audiences that day.
The girl's name is Siena, she was playing her tune smoothly, but suddenly she forgot the rest of the tune.(because kids are not supposed to use books)
She started staring at the piano without emotion,all audience become just like statues. I can't remember how long it took.
Nobody said anything. Nobody moved.Silence dominated quite long time. Fortunately, Siena remembered the rest of the tune and played until the end. My heart was bouncing. Well done! Well done Siena. She got the best applause in the concert. My daughter, Aki is 8 years old. If she had faced with the same circumstance, would she have been able to overcome like her? So many kids are taking instrument lessons. To play very difficult tunes is very good, but are they taking lessons only for that? Siena taught us why?
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